Book Style Choices

Book Style Choices

Your Book is Going to Look Amazing!

Your Family Book Done For You will be designed based on one of our beautiful style templates. Flip through the examples on this page and complete the Book Style Choices form to submit your wants to the designer. Don’t worry, we’re not working in stone. You’ll get a chance to provide feedback and ideas at your Family Book Work Session. Plus we’ve got a whole slate of advance add-on services that you can employ to customize your book.  

Not got a Family Book Done For You Package yet

Go here before selecting Book Style Choices. 

Choose One of These Styles

Charmed Collection

Charming, whimsical and lighthearted

Minimalist Memories

Clean, mono (one) or duotone (two) color.

Retro Vintage

Freestyle mosaic eclectic.

Book Style Choices

Choose Book Style

Choosing a Book Style is a starting point and your book will be unique based on your photos and mementos. Additional customizations are available.


Choose Colors

Pick a palette for your chosen book style. 


There’s always more to do on great works of art . . . they’re never really done!  To give you added possibilities upgrade your package with these deluxe services. 


Yes, we can interview anyone else who can help tell your family stories. It could be your grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins or others. Additional interview and writing charges would apply. Additional book design charges would also apply to include the new interview text in your book.

Most interviews take at least an hour to obtain useful and interesting story text. Our packages include enough time for one or two people to be interviewed. Some people have good days and bad days so multiple interview dates helps you get the most complete story gathering.

All of our books are designed as 10” x 8” either portrait or landscape. Additional book sizes and orientations are available. We’ve also got several styles of design that you can choose from which will be shared with you once you’ve ordered your package.

Yes upon completion of the design, you’ll own the full rights to the book and its content. If you plan on selling the book please let us know at the beginning of the process so we can help you review copyright issues and release Family Movie Story Books from any liability.

If you’re the person arranging the project for your parents, you may need to remain involved in the project, depending on how techi your parents are. For example, you may need to help with uploading digital images, reviewing text before the book is designed, or reviewing versions of the designed book.

We have several beautiful book design templates that you can choose from. Each one has different colors, typefaces, treatments and styles.

Download interview Tools

Enter email address to download free

  • Life Story Questionnaire [PDF]
  • Family Tree Chart
  • 110 Interview Questions (Optional)
  • Generic Sentence Completions