Family Book Done For You


Your Family Book: Done for you!

We interview and record your mom and/or dad telling their stories. You get a gorgeously designed bespoke family book designed and ready to be printed with your choice of quality paper.  No writing required!



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We interview and record you or your mom and/or dad telling their stories. You get a gorgeously designed family book designed and ready to be printed with your choice of quality paper.

With our interviewing and book design you get a family history book perfect for bedtime stories, a family keepsake, and durable compilation of your precious family history plus your parent’s lives. 

Family Book Done For You comes with interviews, digital photo developing, graphic design, and book layout, including a simple but beautiful cover. At the end of the process you’ll receive a print-ready design of your book, along with our recommendation and assistance getting it printed and shipped directly to you or your loved ones.

Your Family Book Done For You project proceeds through several stages.

In Stage 1 we interview you and turn that spoken narrative into readable text for the pages of your book. The interviewer / writer will provide you with Narrative Version 1 to review and easily make change suggestions and/or detail corrections. Then you’ll receive Narrative Version 2 which is usually the final version. If we’ve made errors we’re always happy to correct them at no charge. 

It’s quite normal to want to add more text, commentary, or data that you’ve written or transcribed. However, those submissions require more writer or editor time so you need to purchase additional writing services time

In Stage 2 you upload your digital photos. We can help you with that. If your imagery is still paper prints, we’ll coach you on the easiest ways to convert them to digital so you can upload them. 

In Stage 3 our book designer will lay out your content into a pleasing design based on your style choices. You’ll receive a link to Book Design Version #1.

You review Book Design Version #1 and decide that some changes are needed to the design or you want to replace one image with another. That’s called a “Design Re-edit”. Two rounds of Design Re-editing are included with your Family Book Done For You purchase.

After that first round of design re-editing you’ll get Book Design Version #2 of your book to review. You review Book Design Version #2 and decide that some changes are needed to the design or you want to replace one image with another. The designer makes those changes to create Book Design Version #3 which is the final version included in the package. If we’ve made any are errors we’ll correct them free of charge.  Your book will be ready for printing.

It’s normal to want to do more design changes as your project evolves but more time with the book designer is required. Additional rounds of Design Re-Editing can be purchased.

At any point in the process schedule a free consultation to meet with a writer / editor or a book designer.

Pay in full or with convenient monthly installments. 

Additional information


The Real Saga Book, Our Family Heritage Book, The Ancestral Epic Book

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