Course: Family Storybook Publishing

Enjoy this FREE comprehensive self-paced online course: Family Storybook Publishing.

Designed to swiftly take you through all the steps in writing and preparing your content this course will help you be able to publish the chapters of your family history storybook. You’ll find yourself rapidly moving forward with your project so you can give your family the most amazing gift ever!

Start Course



What's in the course?

Family Storybook Publishing has over 30 quick lessons that will rapidly bring you through the process of gathering your content, prepping it, and then uploading it for design. You’ll be able to fasttrack getting your family history storybook published! 

PLUS join other family storybook makers on Zoom for free course workshops so you can ask questions and work on your own book! 

Course Content

Family Storybook Overview

Family Storybook Publishing Resources

Family Story Book Publishers Support

Narrowing Down Your Focus

Picking Characters

Curating and Compiling Content

Story Narrative

Using Your Storybook Outline Template

Getting Clear On Your Story

Based On A True Story: Artist’s License

Point Of View: First person vs 3rd person

Storytelling Fundamentals

Character Development

Imagery and digitizing

Printed Photos, Albums, and Digitizing

Using Stock Media

Graphics and Documents

Page Layout Options

Collating and photographing memorabilia

Cover Design Choice

Typeface Styles

Color Palettes

Uploading Content For Design

Using Book Design Hub

Reviewing and Proofing

Cover Design Choice

Typeface Styles

Collating and photographing memorabilia

Book Design Hub

Printing your Family Story Book

Organizing your Storybook Reveal Party

Uploading Photos

Publishing Next Family Storybook Chapters


How this course helps you

Being your family’s family historian is a thankless job. And if you haven’t already figured this out, it can be tiring, frustrating, and even lonely.

On the other hand, taking your place as your family’s author of a beautiful, cherished family history storybook that will be inspiring the next generation for years to come … will feel sweet and enjoyable! 


the course Family Storybook Publishing could help you:

Engage your family members

Prevent you from getting stuck while trying to figure
out the next step

Connect you with a friendly community of other family historians doing the same kind of work as you

Get support when things feel confusing or frustrating

Give your family an amazing family history movie in the near future

Save time

Avoid mistakes or repetitive work

Feel happy and relieved that your storybook is published! 

Get better organized

Get skills and strategy

Fun, Colorfull, Flowery

huge savings for attendees

This course will teach you everything you need to know to be able to upload your content to have published the chapters of your family storybook.

this simple system will make your storybook publishing fun and effective

You can produce your family history storybook, chapter
by chapter. So the design costs are broken down into manageable bite-sized chunks

You don’t need to have everything lined up for your entire storybook. Instead, you just need to have some content for the first chapter that you will get started with. The rest will naturally flow from there!

Services to help you get ready to publish your family history storybook

Book Design Services 

Download interview Tools

Enter email address to download free

  • Life Story Questionnaire [PDF]
  • Family Tree Chart
  • 110 Interview Questions (Optional)
  • Generic Sentence Completions