Enjoy this FREE comprehensive online self-paced course: Family Movie Making.
Designed to swiftly take you through all the steps in preparing your content to be able to produce the sections of your family history movie, you’ll find yourself rapidly moving forward to giving your family the most amazing gift ever!

What's in the course?
Family Movie Making has over 30 quick lessons that will rapidly bring you through the process of gathering your content, prepping it, and then uploading it for design. You’ll be able to fast-track getting your family history movie produced and seen by your loved ones!
PLUS join other family history movie makers on Zoom for free course workshops so you can ask questions and work on your own book!
Course Content
- Movie Design Hub
- Movie Making Overview
- Resources and Support
- Organizing and Strategizing
- Narrowing Down Your Focus
- Casting Characters
- Curating and Compiling Content
- Story Narrative
- Using Your Family Movie Outline Template
- Getting Clear On Your Story
- Based On A True Story: Artist’s License
- Point Of View: Voice And Tense
- Storytelling Fundamentals
- Character Development
- Imagery and Digitizing
- Dialogue vs Narration
- Talking Heads, Set Design and Interviews
Movie Design Hub
Organizing and Strategizing
Style, Pace and Cuts
Getting Clear On Your Story
Storytelling Fundamentals
Moving Video
Dialogue vs Narration
Stock Media
Movie Making Overview
Casting Characters
Story Narrative
Based On A True Story: Artist’s License
Character Development
Talking Heads, Set Design and Interviews
Talking Heads, Set Design and Interviews
Graphics and Documents
Resources and Support
Curating and Compiling Content
Using Your Family Movie Outline Template
Point Of View: Voice And Tense
Imagery and Digitizing
Still Imagery
Narrowing Down Your Focus
Design Options
On-screen Titles and Text
- Style, Pace and Cuts
- Colors and Light
- Transitions: Cut, Dissolves or Fade to Black
Style, Pace and Cuts
Colors and Light
Transitions: Cut, Dissolves, or Fade to Black
uploading content
Using Video Recorder
Uploading Photos
Uploading Text for On-Screen Titles
Sharing your Family Movie
Reviewing Your Movie Design
Providing Feedback for Re-Edits
- Music and Sound FX
- Movie Design Hub
- Uploading Video Clips
- Using Video Recorder
- Uploading Photos
- Uploading Text for On-Screen Titles
- Sharing your Family Movie
- Reviewing Your Movie Design
- Providing Feedback for Re-Edits

How this course helps you
Modern technology today has given you many simple and affordable ways to make for your loved ones fabulous family history movie!
With just your smartphone, tablet or computer you can conduct interviews, shoot stunning video imagery, record sound, digitize old photos and documents, and create voiceover and narration text.
Being your family’s family historian in this day and age is still a thankless job. But someday your descendants will be so wowed by you and your family movie!
You can take your place as your family’s producer of a beautiful, cherished family history movie that will be inspiring the next generation for years to come. Doesn’t that feel sweet and enjoyable? You’ll probably feel a little relieved too.
Our course Family Movie Making could help you:
- Save time
- Get skills and strategy
- Get better organized
- Avoid mistakes or repetitive work
- Engage your family members
- Uploading Text for On-Screen Titles
- Prevent you from getting stuck while trying to figure out the next step
- Give your family an amazing family history movie in the near future
- Get support when things feel confusing or frustrating
- Connect you with a friendly community of other family historians doing the same kind of work as you
- Feel happy and relieved that your family movie is produced!
Save time
your family
Give your family an
amazing family history
movie in the near future
Connect you with a friendly community of other family historians doing the same kind of work as you
Get better
Get skills and strategy
Avoid mistakes or repetitive work
Get support when
things feel confusing
or frustrating
Prevent you from getting stuck while trying to figure
out the next step
Feel happy
and relieved that
your family movie
is produced!

Work with us. Save money
This course will teach you everything you need to know to be able to upload your content to have produced the sections of your family history movie.
Our simple system will make your movie making fun and effective
- You can produce your family history movie, section by section. So the production costs are broken down into manageable bite-sized chunks
- You don’t need to have everything lined up for your entire family movie. Instead, you just need to have some content for the first section that you will get started with. The rest will naturally flow from there!
You can produce your family history movie, section by section. So the production costs are broken down into manageable bite-sized chunks
You don’t need to have everything lined up for your entire family movie. Instead, you just need to have some content for the first section that you will get started with. The rest will naturally flow from there!

Services to help you get ready to make your family history movie
Movie Design Services
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Family Movie Making Course Workshops
This course will help you be able to get ready to make the sections of your amazing family history movie.